Saturday, 22 June 2013

May 2013

Much better weather, Spring has arrived!

Fish have been showing on the top of the water but the water is still cool for this time of year. Jack Stevenson, Ormiston, had a nice one of 12lbs on a black buzzer whilst Joe Beattie from Leith matched that with a 12lber on a cdc. Stuart Frasers six-person team event (yes, ladies are allowed to enter!) was a great success with 79 fish weighed in for 193lb. Mark Anderson, Musselburgh, had a 12lb 8oz beauty on a blob and Gordon Bunce, Edinburgh, had 23 on c/r mainly to black buzzers.

An 11lb 10oz fish for D. Ross, Dalkeith, helped him win the Will Telfer Memorial Trophy and J. Dunn, also Dalkeith, had a good one of 8lb.

Peter Craig from Dunbar had a huge fish, estimated at 20lbs on Bunny Leech, which was returned and Angus Robertson had 2 for 14lb 8oz on a yellow dancer. Ross Wilson, North Berwick, had a belter of 13lb 8oz on a black lure and Eric Livingstone used a buzzers to take a terrific brown of 12lb 4oz. B. Donaldson, Edinburgh, had a nice double of 11lb 4oz on a black buzzer whilst Steven Knox had a 10lber on a dry fly and returned another 8. Bryan Ormiston had a 10lb 4oz specimen on a buzzer and P. Irvine had a similar fish of 10lb on a black ant.

Northfield AC had a good day weighing in 32 fish for 84lb 6oz.

Mark Anderson used his blobs again to good effect taking 20 on c/r but was outdone by Steve Cochrane from Newbiggin-by-the-Sea who had a terrific day out with his club (Hoy 'N Hope) taking 31 fish all on buzzers! T. Stephenson and S. Greathead, both Durham, also had a great trip with 19 and 25 on c/r respectively - best patterns were buzzers. P. Kennedy had 12 and 10 on consecutive c/r trips, mainly to black hopper and black gnat. Bruce Hunter had a tremendous specimen of 18lbs on his home tied black lure and also returned another 12.

Weather has improved and we are definitely heading into summer.

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